Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Mom vs. Busy

I have decided to accept the challenge.

Every stinkin' year I swear I won't make any New Year's Resolutions, and yet, every year I secretly do. I usually don't tell anyone, so that there is no one to hold me directly responsible for my own actions. Sound familiar? This year is different.

Somewhere along the way I decided that my lofty goal of becoming a better person was simply too vague. Even "losing weight", "getting fit", "becoming a better mother", becoming a trophy wife", "entrepreneur of the century"....."world's coolest human being"...it's all too ambiguous. What I need is a specific goal and clear parameters. The goal: Becoming more effective as a mother, wife and business owner utilizing the same number of hours in the day. I searched for parameters that fit my lifestyle and my goal, that were at the same time at least 50% attainable.

Here is what I found and renamed :

"Tips for Conquering the World"

1.Get Organized

2.Find Your Timewasters

3.Write Things Down (in a consistent location)

4.Get an Engagement Calendar

5. Keep a Notepad With You (see #3)

6. Designate Days for Chores

7. Do Things in Bulk

8. Teach Your Child

9. Finish What You Start

10. Maximize Your Trips

11. Review Your Priorities

12. Make a File System

13. Have a Reading Pile

In addition to the goal and the parameters, I need to have an anticipated outcome, right? There is no sense in jumping on a train if you don't know where it is going... My hope is that in putting forth the time and energy to organize and orchestrate my life I will have a higher quality of Busy Lady to distribute to all who need me, but still have taken what I need to keep myself going. I am tired of Busy running all over the Lady....Ladies first.

That's my challenge- me against the crazy schedule. I am on a mission to scoop up all of the extra, lost, wasted time in my day and put every last second to good use. I am using these few tips I found online as my guide. Unlike the Resolutions of New Year's passed, I vow not to let my aspirations of perfection exceed the confines of reality. I vow not to skip meals to run errands, skip showers - EVER, or lose sleep over less-than-successful days. If I fall down, which I will... I will write all about it, so you can feel better about yourselves....isn't that the point? I know there are a lot of Supermoms out there and I do not know how you do it...this is my attempt to find out.

Ok. I have accepted the challenge...tomorrow I prepare for battle ;)

To view these tips in their entirety:
